Friday, February 5, 2010

Real Talk

Love is such a funny thing? For me love has been a process. I have decided I want to love. I have also decided I want to be loved. I don't want to just give and not receive from the one I have decided to love.
It is important to me to put God first in my relationships. Now unto Him who is able to keep us from falling and to present us as faultless..... Lets do it without doing it.
It is important to me to have balance in the relationship I choose.
Unbalanced relationships produce infidelity.
A priority for me is value, family values that is.
Spending adequate time with the family, together, and then with myself is definitely important to me.
Finances are important too. You can love without money but you cannot live without money.
Sex, although it is an issue most try to avoid openly and yet make mistakes in this area is very important. If I don't please my mate some one else will. If my mate does not please me some one else will. Face the truth its evident and clear. How will I know if I don't test out the product first you ask? I wont. I am depending on God to lead me into the arms of a Handsome and attractive man who wants His "Good Thing".