Thursday, April 19, 2012

Prides Bride

The pain in my heart, tears in my eyes, with every breath I take i make a stride
To unsubscribe from my past, let go of an ego dominated by pride.
Determined to rise above the lies, and deceit whispered to me, to assure my defeat
Reminiscing on the nights i weep ed shamefully in defeat cause I just creep ed
Knowing in my heart this was not what God has for me.
Doubting my existence, in resistance I struggle I'm suppose to be a princess, a witness not dissing my existence.
Walking up rightly pumping fists
Cause this is His wishes
Not a life imprisoned
By pity, guilt, and sins end
Lifting my head from the ground God is up so I cant be down
Frown to a smile. Took off the garment of weeping, I'm working on my crown
This path is no longer wide
Empowered by truth Jesus is my life
He whose ears are open listen for your souls sake
Grasp hold and experience amazing grace
No longer will I fear my existence
I know whose I am
Pride has been humbled
I know who I am.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Who I am is who God made me!
I am not perfect so please be patient with me.
Who I am is who God made me!
I make mistakes so please don't judge me.

I am my past
yet God has given me a gift
I am my present
my wounds heal daily
As I continue to praise thee.
weary from praying
but its the only way I'm staying
many days I fast
to stay clear of my past
I run for the word, I run
this race daily with patience
I blatantly speak
of the peace I seek
as I flee the reincarnation of sin
for a hope of salvation set in the end
a battle foretold
I win
because of my next of kin and friend
whose name is Jes-US
The one who died for us
Shed his blood for us
In God we trust
Resisted sin for us
Yes Jes-Us
For the cause of the cross i cant forsake the memory
And I will never for get what Jes-US has done for me
Rather is doing for me
Even right now as my heart sings this rhyme
my lips rejoice
soon will be the time
of the coming of the Son who died for man
whose plan was to save man from man.
Will you be ready?
Will you be left behind?